Want to learn most important prepositional phrases both in English and bangla meaning with examples? Here is the list of the selected prepositional phrases to enrich your vocabulary collection and answer to the fill in the blanks questions in your SSC, HSC, University admission, or job exams.
If you are a student of a school, college or a candidate for university admission test or job exams, this lesson on important prepositional phrases is going to help you a lot in filling the gaps questions where you have to use appropriate prepositions according to the meaning and structure of a sentence.
আজ আমি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Prepositional phrase এর উপর আলোচনা করব তাদের অর্থ এবং উদাহরণ সহ। যদি তুমি কোন চাকুরীর বা ভর্তি পরীক্ষার পরীক্ষার্থী হও তবে তোমাকে নিশ্চিতভাবে এই Prepositional phrase গুলো শিখতে হবে তাদের অর্থ এবং ব্যবহার সহ পরীক্ষায় ভালো করার জন্য।
What is a Prepositional Phrase?
Prepositional Phrase indicates the combined form of preposition words and noun words which expresses a different and new meaning in English language. Such prepositional phrases are called also fixed prepositional phrases.
ইংরেজি ব্যকারনে Prepositional phrase বলতে বোঝায় preposition শব্দ এবং noun শব্দের একত্রে বসে গঠনকৃত রূপ যা একটি নতুন এবং ভিন্ন অর্থ প্রকাশ করে। এই Prepositional phrase গুলোকে fixed prepositional phrases ও বলা হয়ে থাকে।
Structure of Prepositional Phrases
Firstly, I want to show you the grammatical structure of a Prepositional phrase:
প্রথমত, আমি তোমাকে একটি Prepositional phrase এর গঠন কেমন তা দেখাতে চাই।
Structure: Preposition+ Noun/Pronoun
Yes, this is basic structure of a Prepositional phrase. But you may get one or more prepositional words or nouns in a single phrase. However, the most important fact for you is to memorize the meaning of a Prepositional phrase through proper understanding. Because, the meaning of these Prepositional phrases are fixed and you cannot find out their meaning by translating each word separately.
এটি হচ্ছে Prepositional phrase এর মূল গঠন। তবে তুমি Prepositional phrase এর মধ্যে এক বা একাধিক preposition শব্দ বা noun শব্দের দেখা পেতে পারো। যাইহোক, সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় হল, তোমাকে এই Prepositional phrase গুলোর অর্থ মুখুস্ত করতে হবে এবং উদাহরনের মধ্যে দিয়ে এদের ব্যবহার শিখতে হবে। কারন, প্রতিটি Prepositional phrase এর একটি নির্দিষ্ট অর্থ রয়েছে এবং এই Prepositional phrase এর অর্থ তুমি আলাদা ভাবে প্রতিটি শব্দের অর্থ বুঝে বের করতে পারবেনা।
Another thing you must know is the function of “one’s”. you may get the part “one’s” in some prepositional phrases. During making sentences, you have to change the form “one’s” into “my/his/her/their/your/our” according to the form of the subject in that sentence.
One’s – my / his / her / their / your / our
আরেকটি বিষয় তোমার জেনে রাখাটা ভালো যে যদি তুমি কোন Prepositional phrases এর মধ্যে “one’s” এই শব্দটি পাও তবে সেই “one’s” দিয়ে বাক্য গঠন করার সময় তোমাকে এই “one’s” শব্দটিকে “my/his/her/their/your/our” তে রূপান্তর করতে হবে সেই বাক্যে subject এর রূপ অনুযায়ী।
For an example:
Of one’s own accord = He broke the agreement of his own accord.
(Here, the word “one’s” has been changed into “his” following the subject “he” in the sentence -এখানে “one’s” শব্দটিকে “his” এ রূপান্তর করা হয়েছে এই বাক্যের subject “he” কে অনুসরন করে)
Prepositional Phrase List
Here is the list of important prepositional phrases with bangla meaning:
Above all
English meaning: (most importantly)
Bangla meaning: (সর্বোপরি)
Above all, I’d like to thank my friends for their support.
Of one’s own accord
English meaning:
Bangla meaning: (নিজের ইচ্ছায়)
My brother has wasted his money of his own accord.
On account of
English meaning: (because of something)
Bangla meaning: (কারনে)
He cannot go to college on account of his health.
On/off the air
English meaning: (If a programme or a person is on/off (the) air, they are/are not broadcasting on radio or television)
Bangla meaning: (কোন কিছু সম্প্রচার বা সম্প্রচার বন্ধ অবস্থায়)
The radio station is on air from 6.00 a.m.
At one’s back
English meaning: (with the support)
Bangla meaning: (কারো সমর্থনে)
He was spreading his power with many politicians at his back.
Over a barrel
English meaning: (to put someone in a very difficult situation in which they have no choice about what they do)
Bangla meaning: (খুব অসুবিধাজনক অবস্থায়)
You will get yourself over a barrel for your acts.
On behalf of all
English meaning: (in favor of everybody)
Bangla meaning: (সবার পক্ষে কিছু করা)
I applied for the permission on behalf of all villagers.
Beside the point
English meaning: (to be in no way connected to the subject that is being discussed)
Bangla meaning: (অপ্রাসঙ্গিক বিষয়)
We should not move beside the point now.
Between you and me
English meaning: (said when you are telling someone a secret)
Bangla meaning: (আর কাওকে না জানিয়ে)
Between you, and me, John is thinking about leaving the company.
In black and white
English meaning: (to be written down)
Bangla meaning: (লিখিতভাবে)
Everybody couldn’t believe it was true, but there it was, in black and white.
At first blush
English meaning: (at first sight)
Bangla meaning: (প্রথম দৃষ্টিতে বা প্রথম দেখায়)
He loved the lady at first blush.
In a body
English meaning: (If people do something in a body, they do it together as a group, in an official way)
Bangla meaning: (সবাই মিলে একসাথে)
The workers went in a body to the manager to complain.
In one’s book
English meaning: (according to one’s own opinion)
Bangla meaning: (কারো নিজের মতে)
In my book, the man should be appointed here.
At bottom
English meaning: (in a basic way)
Bangla meaning: (প্রকৃত পক্ষে)
Jealousy is, at bottom, a lack of self-confidence.
On the cards
English meaning: (to be likely to happen)
Bangla meaning: (সম্ভাব্য বা ঘটতে পারে এমন)
We hope that the revolution is on the cards.
Around/round the clock
English meaning: all day and all night)
Bangla meaning: (সারা দিন রাত ধরে)
We worked around the clock in order to finish the project.
In the club/in the family way
English meaning: (pregnant)
Bangla meaning: (সন্তান সম্ভবা)
His wife seems to be in the club/in the family way.
In cold blood
English meaning: (If someone kills in cold blood, they kill in a way that seems especially cruel because they show no emotion)
Bangla meaning: (ভেবে চিন্তে কিছু করা)
You killed the man in cold blood.
On the contrary/on the other hand
English meaning: (used to show that you think or feel the opposite of what has just been stated)
Bangla meaning: (অন্যদিকে বা বিপরীতে)
I try to help you always On the contrary, you try to hurt me.
Over the counter
English meaning: (an over-the-counter drug is bought from a shop without visiting a doctor first)
Bangla meaning: (ডাক্তারের পরামর্শ ছাড়া)
I cannot sell this medicine over the counter.
In due courses
English meaning: (at right time)
Bangla meaning: (যথাসময়ে )
The man came here in due courses.
At daggers drawn
English meaning: (If two people, countries, etc. are at daggers drawn, they are in a state of extreme unfriendliness and do not trust each other)
Bangla meaning: (বিদ্বেষমূলক অবস্থায়)
India and Pakistan have been at daggers drawn from ancient period.
To date
English meaning: (up to the present time)
Bangla meaning: (আজ পর্যন্ত)
His novel is best work to date in Bengali literature.
To a degree
English meaning: (partly)
Bangla meaning: (আংশিক ভাবে)
To some degree I think that’s right, but there are other factors which affect the situation.
Between the devil and deep sea
English meaning: (to have two choices but both of them are equally unpleasant or not convenient)
Bangla meaning: (উভয় সংকটে)
Because of being between the devil and deep sea, I cannot help you.
Beyond all dispute
English meaning: (certainly)
Bangla meaning: (নিঃসন্দেহে)
He is beyond all dispute the finest actor in Hollywood today.
At a low ebb
English meaning: (in a bad or weak state)
Bangla meaning: (খারাপ অবস্থায়)
Consumer confidence is currently at a low ebb.
In essence
English meaning: (relating to the most important characteristics or ideas of something)
Bangla meaning: (বস্তুতপক্ষে)
In essence, both sides agree on the issue.
With half an eye
English meaning: (without observing properly)
Bangla meaning: (ভালো করে না দেখে শুনেই)
They observed the incident with half an eye.
In favor of
English meaning: (supporting anyone)
Bangla meaning: (কারও পক্ষে)
You should not talk in favor of him.
In a flash
English meaning: (quickly or suddenly)
Bangla meaning: (খুব দ্রুত)
The ceremony was over in a flash.
Before the flood
English meaning: (a very long time ago)
Bangla meaning: (অনেক দিন পূর্বে)
He visited the city before the flood.
In front of
English meaning: (close to the front part of something)
Bangla meaning: (কোন কিছুর সামনে)
There’s parking space for cars in front of the hotel.
On the go
English meaning: (very busy)
Bangla meaning: (খুব ব্যস্ত)
I’ve been on the go all day and I’m really tired.
For good
English meaning: (forever)
Bangla meaning: (চিরতরে)
She’s gone and this time it’s for good.
At hand
English meaning: (near in time or position)
Bangla meaning: (খুব নিকটে)
You should study more because your annual exam is at hand.
By heart
English meaning: (learn t in such a way that you can say it from memory)
Bangla meaning: (মুখুস্ত করা)
My father can still recite the poems he learned off by heart at school.
On hold
English meaning: (If you are on hold when using the telephone, you are waiting to speak to someone)
Bangla meaning: (টেলিফোনে কথা বলা বা শোনার সময় কাওকে অপেক্ষায় রাখা)
Mr. John is on hold now.
By hook or by crook
English meaning: (by any method possible)
Bangla meaning: (যেকোনো উপায়ে)
I decided I was going to get that job by hook or by crook.
On the horns of a dilemma
English meaning: (to be unable to decide which of two things to do because either could have bad results)
Bangla meaning: (উভয় সংকট বা দুই দিকেই বিপদ)
He is now on the horns of a dilemma because he can neither help you nor harm you.
In all
English meaning: (with everything added together to make a total)
Bangla meaning: (সর্বমোট)
The bill came to two thousand in all.
For instance
English meaning: (for example)
Bangla meaning: (উদাহরণস্বরূপ)
In the electronics industry, for instance, 5000 jobs are being lost.
Of a kind
English meaning: (used to describe something that exists but is not very good)
Bangla meaning: (একই রকম)
Both the two brothers are of a kind very rude in nature.
At large
English meaning: (generally)
Bangla meaning: (স্বাধীন বা সাধারনত)
This group is not representative of the population at large.
At least
English meaning: (as much as, or more than, a number or amount)
Bangla meaning: (কমপক্ষে)
You’ll have to wait here for him at least an hour.
At length
English meaning: (for a long time)
Bangla meaning: (সবিস্তারে দীর্ঘ সময়ের জন্য)
George went on at great length about his various illnesses.
To the letter
English meaning: (If you obey instructions or rules to the letter, you do exactly what)
Bangla meaning: (অক্ষরে অক্ষরে)
I followed the instructions to the letter and it still went wrong.
In a bad light
English meaning: (to make someone seem to be a bad person )
Bangla meaning: (প্রতিকূলভাবে)
The news indicates the group in a bad light now.
On the line
English meaning: (to be at risk)
Bangla meaning: (বিপদাপন্ন)
The condition may reach on the line for your wrong decision.
At a loss
English meaning: (to not know what to do or say)
Bangla meaning: (কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় বা কি করতে হবে তা বুঝতে না পারা)
They were at a loss after hearing the news of his sudden death.
Summary: Prepositional Phrases
So, now try to memorize these prepositional phrases. You know that the study of job exams covers a wide area. So, you had better prepare well for your success. In this journey, you have to memorize Prepositional phrases as more as you can.
এই হচ্ছে Prepositional Phrases এর উপর আমাদের অধ্যায় তুমি জানো যে চাকুরীর পরীক্ষার জন্য অনেক বেশী পড়াশোনা করতে হয়। সুতুরাং, তোমার সফলতার জন্য তোমাকে অনেক ভালোভাবে প্রস্তুতি নিতে হবে। এই ক্ষেত্রে, তোমাকে তুমি যতগুলো Prepositional Phrases মুখুস্ত করতে পারো তোমাকে করতে হবে।
তাহলে এখন এই Prepositional phrases খুব মনোযোগ সহকারে মুখুস্ত করে ফেলার চেষ্টা করো। পূর্বে বলেছি যে একটি Prepositional Phrase গঠন হয় এক বা একাধিক prepositional শব্দ বা noun শব্দের সমন্বয়ে যা একটি ভিন্ন অর্থ প্রকাশ করে থাকে।
I have told you before that a prepositional phrase is consists of single or several prepositional and noun words which expresses a different meaning. This list of the prepositional phrases will also help you prepare for your SSC exam, HSC exam, University admission test, and job exams. We will keep adding new prepositional phrases to this list. So, keep checking this lesson and stay connected.