Linking words and phrases in English language indicates the words or phrases which are used in a piece of writing to connect sentences and expressing relation between them. To enrich the quality of writing or free-hand writing in English, using linking words between sentences is an essential element. So, in this lesson, we are going to learn a few sets of most important and used linking words and phrases in English language.
What are Linking Words and Phrases?
In English grammar, the words or phrases which are used between sentences to keep the transition and balance of the discussion both in writing and speaking are known as linking words and phrases. Generally, they express relationship between two sentences. They function similar to conjunctions in Parts of Speech because of their connecting nature.
When you are going to write a paragraph, composition, or report in English, you have to use these linking words and phrases to maintain the standard form of writing in modern English. For free-hand writing in English, you have to use these linking words and phrases to improve the quality of your language.
Types of Linking Words and Phrases
Here, we will see several charts of linking words and phrases classified based on different expressions and senses such as indicating contrast, providing an illustration, extending a point, showing cause and effect, showing next steps and so on. These categories will help you understand the right usages and places of linking words and phrases in a piece of writing.
To learn these phrases, try to memorize them with their meaning and use them in your daily free-hand writing exercises. Besides, written English, try to use them in your general spoken practices. This is the only way through which you can learn the right ways of using them in English language.
Charts of Linking Words and Phrases

Indicating A Contrast
When you want to show contrast between two sentences, you will use these linking words and phrases. It is used between two sentences where two sentences are expressing two different meaning.
However |
On the other hand |
In contrast |
Alternatively |
On the contrary |
Conversely |
Rather |
In fact |
Another possibility |
Better / worse still |
But |
Despite this |
In spite of |
Nevertheless |
For all that |
Yet |
All the same |
Instead |
Although |
I help the boy on the other hand he disobeys me.
However, they win the match through hard work.
Another reason is against your morality.
In spite of having money, he begs always.
Although they are meritorious, they have cut a sorry figure in exam.
Providing An Illustration
To provide more information or examples on a topic, these linking words and phrases are used as supportive hints. You are discussing on a topic and now you want to provide more information on it. In such situations, these words are supposed to be used.
For example |
As follows |
That is |
That is to say |
For instance |
Say in other words |
Such as |
Chiefly |
Mainly |
Most importantly |
Typical of this / such |
Including |
Especially |
Not least |
A typical / particular |
Key example |
In particular |
For example, the flood of 1988 was a remarkable destruction.
Most importantly, they should help the affected people.
In particular, he has got the first prize.
There are many problems such as population problem, environment pollution, etc.
You should read newspaper especially the English one.
Extending A Point
In order to put more similar references or ideas on a topic, you can use these linking words and phrases
Similarly |
Equally |
Indeed |
In addition |
In the same way |
In addition |
Likewise |
Also |
Above all |
As well |
Indeed, he is a criminal in this group.
In the same way, you can also have that.
Besides, he gave me some toys last year.
Above all, you must study hard to get the highest marks.
Rahat as well as his brother cam in the party.
Showing Cause and Effect or Indicating Conclusion
When we want to express the reason or cause of an action, we use these linking words and phrases in English. Sometimes, we also use these words to conclude on a topic.
So |
Therefore |
Accordingly |
Thus |
Hence |
Then |
It follows that |
For this reason |
In this / that case |
Consequently |
Because of this / that |
This suggests that |
In conclusion |
In short |
To conclude |
In brief |
It might be concluded from this |
Accepting / assuming this |
Resulting from |
In consequence of this |
As a result |
Consequence |
Owing to / due to the fact that |
Accepting / assuming this |
Therefore, we have changed our working plan.
Because of this problem, we could not go to college yesterday.
In brief, they are out of selection now.
As a result, they have lost their jobs under this rule.
It might be concluded from this report of the researcher.
Showing Next Steps
If we describe the process of an action or event in steps one by one, we use these linking words and phrases in our writing.
First(ly) |
Second(ly) |
To begin/start with |
Lastly |
Last but not least |
First and foremost |
Finally |
Another |
Then |
After |
Afterwards |
Third(ly) |
First and most |
Importantly |
In the first / second place |
Firstly, people seem unconscious of the fact.
Afterwards, the government does not take essential steps.
Last but not least, we should go ahead to solve this problem.
Then, he makes it suitable for all of us.
Ultimately, we found the peace in this city.
This is all about the linking words and phrases in English language and you are going to notice a lot of usages of them in different types of paragraph, composition, and report writing in daily life. It’s impossible to come with a standard form of writing in English language without having these essential linking words. Add these lists of words and phrases to your Vocabulary Lessons to enrich your word collection in English.
From now, when you will read a piece of writing in English, try to find out these linking words and how they are used between sentences. This will give you a clear idea about the proper usages of linking words and phrases in English. Hope this lesson will be a useful supplement in improving your English language expression both in written and spoken forms.

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