Writing a cover letter for your formal job application is the first step in your professional life and following this all-in-one cover letter format, you can write a cover letter for any job position, you are applying. A formal cover letter for job application is the first impression of your professionalism to the admin authority. So, you must compose it carefully and attentively providing the required data and using authentic business words and phrases in English language.
A simple and single mistake in a cover letter can destroy your potential opportunity to be considered for the selected position. So, you need to be more careful about it. If you want to view more samples of job cover letter, you can check out this resource Cover Letter Examples.
What is A Cover Letter?
Well, a job cover letter is an introductory and formal request to the related authority to inspect one’s submitted job application along with a CV/Resume for a particular job position. A good cover letter is a positive and major fact for any job applicant. We know that the major part of a job application is CV or Resume.
I agree on this point. But the related authority is going to check your cover letter first in the process of job selection and after this, CV or Resume will be up for consideration . So, would you like to ignore it?
Of course not!
This is why, i have composed the format of this all-in-one cover letter which can be used with any job application in professional life or academic purposes. You don’t need to memorize cover letters for each job each time. Besides, many interested candidates get confused in preparing an excellent and effective cover letter for their expected job post and make a lot of mistakes.
So, let’s have a look on it…

Format of Cover Letter for Job Application
Here is the format or sample of all-in-one cover letter for your job applications. Please notice the markers throughout the paragraphs and you just need to make changes on those subject matter following the job application advertisement. The bolder and italic words or phrases need to be changed each time.
(Name of applicant)
(Address of applicant)
Cell Phone: ………………… E-mail: ………………………
25 March 2014 – (Date of application)
The Chairman – (Head of the organization)
National Development Ltd. – (Name of the organization)
12/3 Mirpur, Dhaka. – (Address of the organization)
Application for the position of a marketing manager. (Name of the Post)
Dear Sir,
In response to your job advertisement published in the ‘The Daily Star’ (name of the newspaper) on 23 February, 2021 (date of publication), I would like to apply for the position of a marketing manager. (Name of the post).
I understand from your advertisement that your organization needs young and dynamic people for working in your business team (Name of the sector) for your newly launched project. You will note from my enclosed CV that my education background as well as the part time job assignments during last couple of years through which I have had exposure and hands on experience in research and promotional techniques make me an ideal candidate for the position.
I believe working in a reputed organization like your one will provide me excellent opportunity for my career growth in the area of your business (Name of the sector). I am confident that if provided the opportunity to serve your organization, I will prove myself an important asset for your organization through my dedication, sincerity and highest level of professionalism.
I would request for an interview at your convenience. For any query, you can reach me at my mobile-017220000000 (Cell number of applicant) You can also e-mail me at:emailid@gmail.com (Email Address)
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Md. Sarowar Parvej (Name of applicant)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Required copies of Photographs
- All Certificates on Academic result and Experience
Note: You must include this Enclosure part at the bottom of your job application to ensure other required and provided information, files, documents and certificates.
Instructions on Cover Letter
- Please use your own information in each place of the ‘(—————–)’ marked part in application.
- Replace the information used in the places such as: ‘(Date of application)’, ‘(Head of the organization)‘, ‘(Name of the organization)‘, and ‘(Address of the organization)‘ with the original information given on the advertisement.
- Write the name of your required post for which you are applying in the place of ‘(Name of the Post)‘.
- Select your sector type where you are applying and put the name in the place of ‘(Name of the sector)’. For example, it may be business sector, educational sector, or technical sector.
- Finally, put your contact information such as phone no. or email no. and at last the ‘Enclosures’ part must be included though there is nothing of those in this document but this indicates that the cover letter is presented with available information and documents which are required.
Conclusion on Job Application Cover Letter
Looking for similar lessons and writing formats? I have published a sample of Professional CV/RESUME Format also and you might check that if you are interested. Please check our Writing Lessons to see more posts on like this one.
This is all about writing a cover letter for a formal job application. Using this master format, you can now write any cover letter for any job position easily. Try to follow all the steps i have mentioned above and i hope you will not face trouble anymore in writing a formal cover letter for your job application.

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